On Thursday, a fantastic action movie called Hellboy, based on the Dark Horse Comics comics series of the same name, is released in Russia.

Initially, the tape was conceived as a continuation of the previous two screen versions - “Hellboy: Hell Hero” and “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army”. However, the producers had to abandon these plans, since not everyone agreed to work on this project.

At first, it was not possible to agree with the director and screenwriter of the first two parts of Guillermo del Toro. He was offered to become only a producer of the film, while he wanted to independently put the picture on his own script. As a result, del Toro left the project, and without him in the film refused to act and played Hellboy Ron Perlman.

Left without the author and the leading artist, the studio decided instead to continue to restart the entire franchise with other actors and new history.

The fans were skeptical, but the film was put into production. Filming took place from September to December 2017 in the UK and Bulgaria.

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For the production took the British director Neil Marshall, known for the tapes "Descent" and "Judgment Day". The author of the original comic book, Mike Minjola and Andrew Cocby (“Two Stems”) worked on the script. Hellboy played the nominee for the Golden Globe and Emmy Awards David Harbor (“The Great Equalizer”, “Very Weird Things”).

According to the authors, the new version of the Hellboy story has become more gloomy, which affected its age rating - children under 17 are allowed to be viewed only when accompanied by a parent.

“Our film is a real inferno, it looks more like a horror. There is a lot of blood in it, cruel scenes, ”said Harbor.

According to the plot of the first part, Hellboy - a creature from the underworld, which was brought from there to our world by the Nazis during the Second World War. With his help, they wanted to reverse the course of hostilities, but their plans were hampered by an anti-Hitler coalition allied squad that destroyed the portal between the two worlds. Hellboy, they took and lured to his side.

The main action of all parts occurs today. Hellboy, in spite of his descent and frightening appearance, helps people fight against villains. In the first series, he confronted the "sorcerer" Rasputin and his monster Sammael. In the sequel, he had to face the Golden Army - a horde of robots created by goblins, blacksmiths to fight with people.

In the new film, Hellboy will be challenged by a sorceress who is called the Blood Queen (Mila Jovovich). Once upon a time she reached significant heights in dark magic, but other witches decided to destroy her. Now she has returned to life and threatens the existence of all mankind.

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“Hellboy: A Hero from Hell” with a budget of $ 66 million earned $ 99.3 million. The world rolled out the tape from failure - in the US the film brought only $ 59 million. Despite these figures, it was decided to spend even more money on a sequel - $ 85 million The risk turned out to be justified: “Hellboy: The Golden Army” collected $ 160.4 million, although it failed again in the US - the Americans added less than half of the total amount - $ 75 million to the general box office of the film.

Experts make cautious forecasts regarding the financial performance of the new Hellboy. By some estimates, on premiere weekend, the tape can raise about $ 17–20 million in the United States and Canada. The budget of the film is still unknown.

"The film is stupid, but it's Hellboy"

The first IMDB comments on the picture left on the portal are mostly negative. The audience scolds the thriller for a weak plot, a bad game of actors and tense jokes.

“It seems that the film was deliberately thought so disgusting. The game of actors, the plot, even the soundtrack - everything leaves much to be desired. But worst of all - jokes. Whether you were fans of the first films or not, do yourself a favor: never watch it, ”wrote one of the viewers.

Many indicate that there are too many cruel, bloody scenes in the film, and the story may not be clear to those who are not familiar with the comic.

“The plot is designed for those who are already familiar with comics. There are many characters in the film about whom nothing is said: they appear from nowhere. With blood and violence in Hellboy, there is a clear overkill. Viewing this tape will be a test for you: how long can you hold back gagging? Your grandfather's humor will seem to be the height of wit against the background of attempts by the characters to joke. In the middle of the film I was ready to leave the room, but I stayed, hoping that I would find at least something positive in the tape. In vain, ”another commentator shared his opinion.

A similar impression impressed many Twitter users:

“Oh, Hellboy is bad in general. This movie could have been made much better. The only thing that was possible in him was the game of some actors. Computer graphics are bad. Very, very weak main villain. "

Oh. #Hellboy is mostly bad. This movie should have been better. There are some of the few actors. CGI is bad in this one. Really really weak villian. pic.twitter.com/EgTs1pt6jG

- Stefan i Sosialistfaen ™ (@TvMaurer) April 10, 2019

However, not everyone was so critical of the picture. Some viewers say that the main task - to entertain - the film performs.

“Yes, the film is stupid, but it's Hellboy ... Computer graphics and monsters turned out at a decent level. Lots of action, little talk. I am amused, ”said the user IMDB.

A similar point of view is shared by another commentator. “The film is excellent: from graphics and bloody scenes to humor. So many people go to the cinema with the intention of cursing the film afterwards, they simply do not give him a chance. It's so infantile, ”he wrote.

Some viewers say that the monsters invented by the authors are in no way inferior to the works of Guillermo del Toro.

“Immediately make a reservation that I'm not a fan of Hellboy.” I liked this restart of the franchise. Its straightforward plot is easy to follow, and the appearance of the monsters is made on the level of the works of Guillermo del Toro. In some places the film may seem rather delusional and rude, ”said another viewer about the impressions.