Right now, the attitude from all parties is that allsvenskan will be played just as planned, but you still look ready if the situation worsens.

- We have mobilized the forces with the clubs, Sef, the federation and also internationally. There are all sorts of variations that could happen and we had a long talk with the clubs yesterday, says Enquist.

In Italy, which has been Europe's worst affected country to date, matches have been postponed and yesterday the message came that it will play without an audience in the coming month.

- Our attitude will always be that as long as it is advisable to play matches without restrictions, we want to do that. If for some reason it is not possible then the first option is to postpone match rounds for later play without restrictions.

Regardless of how it is, Enquist believes that the virus will affect Swedish elite football as it gets started in earnest.

- There may be fewer people who go to matches if you feel sick or worried. As usual, we play until you make recommendations from the authorities that you should have restrictions on the audience or that you are not allowed to play with the audience at all. We are ready for those discussions, but are not planning for it right now.

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Coronavirus spread in 60 seconds Photo: CDC / AFP