The National Police has arrested two minors in Palma as alleged perpetrators of crimes of discovery and revelation of secrets, for allegedly accessing the computer system of the center where they study to obtain the exams and get outstanding grades.

The agents received in mid-April a complaint made by a school in Palma in which it stated that it had found that its computer system, the school account, had been accessed through other people's devices.

The first intrusion was made in mid-March, unknown the information that could be accessed, although it was known that it affected the account of a teacher, increasing suspicions regarding her students having obtained much of this very good grades. After talking with the students, they only acknowledged that they had copied each other.

On the part of the group of technological crimes -cybercrime- and economic crime of the National Police, an investigation was initiated and, in collaboration with the teaching staff, it was verified that not only had the account of a teacher been accessed, but that it had been accessed to that of several more teachers, detecting a malicious program and registration of keyboard entries.

With the information provided to the agents, it was verified that the accesses to the center were made from two homes, which are of students of the same, students of the teacher who had accessed her school account, who had obtained outstanding grades, students known to each other.

After verifying all the objective information obtained and analyzing it, it was found that one of the minors introduced the malicious program to access both from his home to the accounts of the teachers to obtain the information they needed. For this reason, both were arrested as alleged perpetrators of a crime of discovery and disclosure of secrets, giving an account of everything instructed to the Juvenile Prosecutor's Office of Palma.

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