
Berlin (dpa) - The pandemic rules will be relaxed for those who have been completely vaccinated and those who have recovered from Corona.

One day after the Bundestag, the corresponding ordinance also passed the Bundesrat on Friday.

If it is now published quickly in the Federal Law Gazette, the easing could already apply at the weekend.

According to the ordinance, contact and exit restrictions for those who have been completely vaccinated and those who have recovered are no longer applicable.

They are not counted when meeting other people.

So, for example, in regions with high numbers of infections, two non-vaccinated people could meet with an unlimited number of people who had been vaccinated.

Vaccinated people also no longer have to take a test in shops or at the hairdresser's.


There are also no evening exit restrictions for both groups; after traveling or after contact with infected people, they usually no longer need to be in quarantine - unless you have contracted a virus variant that is not yet widespread in Germany or you travel from a virus variant area.

Vaccinated and convalescents also have to wear masks in certain places and in buildings and follow distance rules.

Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) stressed in the Bundestag on Thursday that the rule of law must apply, especially in times of crisis.

Fundamental rights could be restricted in order to protect life and health and to ensure the functioning of the health system.

Since, according to the scientific expertise of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), vaccinated and convalescent people could at least infect other people to a significantly lesser extent, the reason for fundamental rights restrictions no longer applies.

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) urged the vaccinated to “deal responsibly with their own happiness”.

To avoid frustration and envy of those who cannot yet be vaccinated, you should not act too exuberantly.

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