
Munich (dpa / lby) - The Free State is advancing and giving vaccinated and recovered people more freedom.

As early as Thursday, many restrictions will no longer apply to people with full corona vaccination protection or after having survived corona illness.

The amended Corona Ordinance for Bavaria provides for these reliefs:

TEST OBLIGATION: If, for example, a corona rapid test is required in retail stores and for visits to museums, this obligation will no longer apply to those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. The prerequisite is that vaccinated persons have full vaccination protection. In the case of vaccinations that provide for two vaccination doses, the vaccination series must therefore be completed. In addition, 14 days must have passed in order to be able to claim the rights as a vaccinated person. Those who have recovered must prove their previous infection with a PCR test result from this time. In addition, the infection must have been at least 28 days ago and there must be no more symptoms.

EXIT RESTRICTION: The nightly exit restriction in the so-called Corona hotspots no longer applies to vaccinated and convalescent people.

As of now, you can also go out at night again and without a specific reason, as the state government has now determined.


CONTACTS: The maximum number of contacts allowed will no longer include those who have been completely vaccinated or those who have recovered.

This means that they can meet more people again regardless of the regional seven-day incidence.

QUARANTINE: The amended regulation also provides relief for quarantine at home after contact with people who can be proven to have been infected with the coronavirus.

This is also no longer applicable for vaccinated and convalescent people.

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Statutory ordinances on Corona in Bavaria