The spread of the new virus infection The local government calls on the government for additional economic measures February 26 21:51

Following the spread of the new coronavirus, the Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party and the National Assembly's Chairman of the Diet met in the National Assembly on the night of May 26 to report to the government that the economic impact could be widespread. , And confirmed that they would require them to take additional economic measures, such as using contingency.

The Liberal Democratic Party's Chairman of the National Diet Task Force, Moriyama, told reporters, "The new coronavirus problem is very widespread, and we would like you to consider additional economic measures to avoid omissions. We will ask for a new budget for the new year. "

In addition, regarding the response to those who visit the Diet for a visit, "it seems that there is a difficult task to measure body temperature, so we first break it down into two weeks and discuss what to do." Clarified that we are considering.