According to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, the spread of RS virus causes a large burden of disease. RS virus can cause a severe infection in young children under one year of age. At the same time, according to the agency, there is "significantly increased risk of severe RS infection leading to hospitalization or death among people from 75 years of age".

Recently, the Public Health Agency of Sweden issued the recommendation after the European Medicines Agency approved two vaccines against RS virus for people aged 60 and older.

No free vaccine in Dalarna

Region Dalarna is now announcing that they do not offer free vaccines based on the new recommendation.

In order to proceed and introduce vaccination, the region states that a health economic analysis of the vaccination is needed, which has not been done either at regional or national level.

– Until further notice, residents in Dalarna can get vaccinated against RS virus at their own expense at private vaccination clinics in the county, says Fredrik Rücker, infection control doctor Region Dalarna.