Fatima Benomar, member of the collective #NousToutes, reacts to the proposal of Muriel Penicaud, formulated on Europe 1. The Minister of Labor, wants to allow victims of domestic violence to unlock their employee savings to promote their financial autonomy.


The grenelle against domestic violence ends Monday night, after two and a half months of work and discussions. The government is about to unveil a series of measures to curb this scourge. And among the proposals, why not allow victims of domestic violence to unlock their wage savings? This is in any case what the Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud, asked Sunday on Europe 1. A measure to promote the financial autonomy of victims.

"The solutions found are always based on the victim"

"On the side of #WeAll, we are absolutely reluctant," says Fatima Benomar, a member of the collective. "One wonders what is going to look like a form to unlock his savings, with checkboxes to know if one is a victim enough," she wonders. In general, and while the #NousToutes marches experienced a historic mobilization on Saturday, Fatima Benomar laments that "the solutions found are always based on the victim."

"Not everyone is equal to savings"

For the activist #WeAll, this idea could especially be counter-beneficial, creating even more inequity. "Everyone is not equal in the face of savings," she notes, "it is not possible to register a new inequality." Fatima Benomar calls on the government to take responsibility for the issue of gender equality and violence against women. "The state must reserve a budget for that and assume its function of redistributing the tax according to the principles it defends," said the collective member #NousToutes.