After -204,700 in June and -149,900 in May, this is the third consecutive month of decline in unemployment.

The number of unemployed fell again (-4.1%) in July, i.e. 174,300 registered in category A less, a drop due as in May and June to the return of job seekers to reduced activity (categories B and C) with the recovery of the economy, according to figures from Pôle emploi published on Wednesday.

>> READ ALSO - Faced with the expected influx of unemployed, Pôle emploi hires a large number of advisers

After -204,700 in June and -149,900 in May, this is the third consecutive month of sharp decline. However, the number of unemployed remains at a high level, 4.047 million, after the exceptional increases due to confinement (+ 7% in March, + 22% in April), or 560,000 more unemployed than at the end of February.