Frida Eldebrink has played 142 international matches for Sweden, Elin Eldebrink 134. Both have played four EC finals.

After 2021, the feeling was that national team games were enough and that others had to take over.

Now the feeling is completely different.

- Just to be able to put on the yellow and blue linen again is huge, says Elin Eldebrink.

- You almost get goosebumps just from the thought of standing there and they play the national anthem, says Frida Eldebrink.

It's a tough fight right to the end for the EC tickets to this summer's championships.

For Sweden, big wins are required both against Israel away on February 9 and at home against Latvia on February 12.

Had contact since October

Although the new management staff with Robin Sandberg, Irene Otamiri and Kevin Taylor-Lundgren had contact with Elin and Frida Eldebrink since they took over in October 2021, it was before the upcoming decision that the coaches seriously asked the question of a comeback.

- We need to make two incredibly good efforts to have a chance to progress and that is the real reason.

We need the best team to succeed, says Robin Sandberg to SVT Sport.

There are tough tasks ahead for Sweden and right now it is also as far as Elin and Frida Eldebrink have thought.

- Now we're going to run this and give it everything I've got.

Hopefully it will be enough so that the team can reach another championship, I will decide on something else then, says Elin Eldebrink to SVT Sport.

SEE MORE: The entire feature with the Eldebrink sisters

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The stars make a comeback in February