Ebba Andersson got off to a tough start on the Tour de Ski.

Exit directly in the sprint prologue, a 12th place in the mass start and an 18th place in the hunt start.

After three races, she was just over two minutes behind the lead.

- Before the tour, I had experienced that the form was good.

That's why it was so scary not to recognize yourself and your body up there, says Ebba Andersson.

And when the form and results were lacking, the doubts came, she reveals in "Best when it comes to - the stars' own words" which was released on Sunday.

- I called home to mom and dad who is my main support.

Why should I do this when I do not even think it's fun?

Now an Olympics awaits at high altitude and Andersson hopes to be able to use the experience from the Tour de ski on the way there.

- In retrospect, when I look back on it, it was a very good lesson.

To gain experience and see what I need for preparation to be able to perform at height.