Sara Skyttedal was kicked out of the position as top candidate before the European Parliament elections after having contacts with the Sweden Democrats.

In an interview on Wednesday, Ebba Busch said that it is Sara Skyttedal's own words that are the basis for the teasing.

SVT's domestic political commentator Elisabeth Marmorstein believes that to refute the accusations that she had always wanted to change the top candidate and used the SD contacts as a pretext.

- So that Ebba Busch would have been fully informed, but chose not to act until she had a replacement.

That is why she emphasizes that it is Sara Skyttedal's own words that form the basis of the party board's decision, says Elisabeth Marmorstein.

According to Ebba Busch, Sara Skyttedal may also have a future within the Christian Democrats despite the teasing.

But has Sara Skyttedal burned her bridges?

Hear Elisabeth Marmorstein in the video.