Four players in Helsingborg's A squad have been affected by covid-19. Yesterday they chose to cancel the match preparation training before the meeting with Djurgården. The club applied to have the meeting with Djurgården postponed.

- We do not think that the match should be carried out because we do not want to contribute to the spread of infection. In addition to the fact that we are worried about our players, it is also out of concern for Djurgården's players, Joel Sandborg, club director for Helsingborg IF, told TT yesterday.

Something that SVFF's competition committee did not obey

"TK has great faith in the protocol and the safety measures that the SEF clubs have agreed to achieve infection-proof arrangements," the Competition Committee writes in its decision.

It is also written that the results are based on FHM's general position that cases of covid-19 should be isolated and that operations should not be closed down.