Today, US President Donald Trump congratulated Kansas State on the victory of the Kansas City Chiefs in the final "Super Bowl", the American Football League while the team hailed from the neighboring state of Missouri, in a gag that sparked a wide mockery on social media.

Trump wrote in a tweet that the Chiefs Team had made Kansas proud, and congratulated him, saying: "Congratulations to Kansas City Chiefs on a great game, and a wonderful return under tremendous pressure."

"You have represented the wonderful Kansas State, and indeed the entire United States, very well. Our country is very proud of you. ”

However, the team represents the neighboring state of Missouri, which prompted the president to cross out his tweet and replace it with one that includes the correct name, but a number of social media and media pioneers took pictures of the original tweet.

Reactions to social media have not been delayed, and some have not provided the scathing criticism of Trump, the country's top commander of the armed forces, on the subject of maps.

The Kansas City Chiefs were founded as a result of the merger of the Kansas and Missouri teams. Kansas and Missouri are adjacent, and Kansas is divided between them.

"It's Missouri, you idiot," said former state Senate Claire Macaskill, of Missouri.

"The wrong state name, it is better to stay out of things you do not understand, such as the Heart of America," wrote Lorn Arthur Arthur, the current Senator from Missouri.

"Quickly, let someone take a pen out of Trump's hand before he redraws the map of Kansas," wrote screenwriter and TV producer Brian Bihar.

Others said about Hurricane Dorian when Trump said in early September that he was "likely" to sweep Alabama.

The US Meteorological Service then denied Trump's expectation shortly. But that angered the president to the point of revealing a map that contained Alabama on the possible path of the hurricane. Hurricane Dorian was uninjured and did not even reach American soil.

For his part, Greg Craig, a CNN political correspondent, wrote in a tweet, "Tomorrow, Trump will be waving a map in the Oval Office showing that Kansas City is actually in Kansas."

The Kansas City Chiefs team won the NFL title today, by winning in the face of the final Super Bowl against San Francisco Fortinners 31-20 at the Hard Rock Stadium in north Miami.