Both Biden (right) and Trump are over 75 years old (agencies)

Donald Trump is very old and incited a coup, and Joe Biden is very old and mixes up names. How can America choose its president? With this question, Marina Hyde, columnist for the British Observer newspaper, began the issue of President Biden’s memory lapses.

The American and British press widely discussed the issue of Biden's memory lapses, some of which reported that American Democrats' concern was increasing due to these lapses, and others said that Biden is not qualified at the present time to carry out the duties of the presidency, let alone that he run for another presidential term.

What sparked this widespread discussion was the report of Special Counsel Robert Hoare, which was issued last Thursday, in which he referred to the “limited memory of the president,” and to Biden’s later reference in a press conference on the same day to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as “the Mexican president” at a time when He insisted that his memory was amazing.

A report in the American newspaper "Washington Post" also stated that last week alone, Biden repeatedly confused the foreign leaders he met.

At a fundraising campaign in New York last Wednesday, he misidentified the German leader he met, saying he spoke with Helmut Kohl instead of Olaf Scholz. In Las Vegas on Sunday, he mixed up current French President Emmanuel Macron with his predecessor, Francois Mitterrand, who died in 1996.

Democrats between fear and despair

It was stated in the same report that what happened at the press conference and hours before it, from Counselor Hoare’s remarks, resonated throughout America among the networks of Democratic donors and strategists who had been resisting for weeks to contain their concerns about the state of the Biden campaign and its direction, adding that the feelings of Democrats across the country are currently ranging. Between fear and despair.

The report stated that an opinion poll conducted by ABC News Ipsos last January showed that 28% of Americans said that Biden has the mental acuity required to work effectively as president, while 47% said that Trump does.

Couldn't another Democrat be chosen?

He added that after what happened on Thursday, Democrats retreated in panic. By Friday, major donors to Biden were making calls and receiving text messages from anxious Democrats, asking whether another Democratic candidate still had time to jump into the presidential race.

The same newspaper published an article by writer Mark Thiessen in which he said: Leave a second term, is Biden fit to be president now?

He also said that now they are not concerned about whether Biden is fit to serve a second term, but rather they should be concerned about whether he is fit to finish his first term.

Why are there more concerns about Biden's condition than Trump's?

New York Times correspondent Rebecca O'Brien asked in her report: Why does the age issue hurt Biden so much more than Trump, even though both of them are over 75 years of age? But voters are unlikely to worry that Trump is too old to serve.

She pointed out that Trump praised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for his leadership of Turkey, and confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, explaining that the concern about Biden’s case is greater than Trump’s case due to profound differences not only between the two men, but in how the American public views them, and what their supporters expect. who are they. It is a division that could play a major role in the upcoming presidential elections.

Source: American press + British press