Agreement reached between Serbs and Kosovars on license plates

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Berlin in early May 2022. AP - Michael Sohn

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This is the end of the crisis in Kosovo linked to license plates used by part of the Serbian community and not recognized by the government in Pristina.

Europeans and Americans have managed to wring an agreement from the Kosovar Prime Minister, who is opposed to any compromise with the Serbian side.


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With our correspondent in Belgrade,

Laurent Rouy

It took all the weight of Washington to bend Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

He wanted to impose Kosovar and non-Serb license plates on the Serbian minority in North Kosovo.

Since August 1, Europeans and Americans have been busy avoiding clashes on the ground.

At the beginning of November, the collective resignation of the Serbs employed in Kosovo had worsened the situation.

On Monday, the Kosovar executive accused the European representative of making common cause with " 

the Serbian aggressor

 ", after yet another diplomatic failure.

Finally, the Kosovar government gives up sanctioning Serbs driving with Serbian plates.

In return, Belgrade undertakes not to renew expired plates, which will put an end, in a few years, to the existence of said plates.

New diplomatic battles are expected soon, with the continuation of negotiations on the status of Kosovo and its municipalities.

The two parties camp on diametrically opposed positions.

►Read again: After the failure of the Serbo-Kosovar talks in Brussels, the EU blames Pristina


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