
Charles III ascended to the throne after the death of Elizabeth II of England.

He followed his mother's will and promised devotion, and the citizens welcomed the new king.

Kwak Sang-eun is a correspondent in Paris.


On the third day after the death of the Queen, King Charles III was crowned and officially declared King of England.

[Announcing that Prince Charles has become the only legitimate king of the British Empire.]

Upon entering Buckingham Palace earlier, Charles III was warmly applauded by the citizens.

As the new king approached, shook hands and exchanged greetings, the citizens chanted God Save the King.

The phrase, which is also the title of the British national anthem, has been used with the expression queen for 70 years, but has now been replaced with a king.

In his first public address on television, with a picture of his mother to one side, Charles III promised his devotion.

[Charles III/King of England: The previous king kept his promise to fulfill his duty for the rest of his life, and he left with the mourning of many people.

I renew that promise to you today.]

The British press predicted that Charles III would become a monarch who would more actively express his political views than his predecessors.

Charles III was also interested in issues such as climate change and social alienation during his time as Crown Prince, and he has frequently expressed his views.

It is also known for being proactive in expanding the opening of royal palaces and curtailing royal privileges.

Her 10-day funeral procession for Queen Elizabeth II will conclude with a coat of arms at Westminster Abbey on the 19th.

(Video editing: Kim Ho-jin)