Mikael Alm, professor of history at Uppsala University, says that King Charles III is facing great challenges - above all because of his past.

- Charles has actually behaved quite strangely, while Elizabeth has never let go of the exterior.

She has never stumbled and has always had iron control over everything, he says.

Court expert Roger Lundgren says that anyone would have found it difficult to reach the popularity that Queen Elizabeth II has had during her 70 years in power.

- Charles has also been a very controversial person in Great Britain, largely because of his failed marriage with Princess Diana.

"Definitely ready"

Despite royal scandals, Prince Charles, especially in the last 15 years, has built up great popularity among many people in Great Britain, says Roger Lundgren.

In addition, he is over 70 years old - no person in British history has been heir to the throne as long as Prince Charles.

- He can do this, he is definitely ready, says Roger Lundgren.

According to Katrine Marçal, DN journalist living in London for many years, Charles has been a more controversial figure than his mother.

Not only because of the scandals surrounding the divorce, but also because he, as crown prince, has become involved in politics in various ways.

- And something that characterized Elizabeth II was precisely that she stayed out of politics.

- It is something to keep an eye on, if he intends to be a different monarch than his mother in that sense, says Katrine Marçal.

“Will have an uphill battle”

Queen Elizabeth II has sat through several historical events, such as the dismantling of colonialism, the end of the British Empire and – most recently – Brexit.

And she has always done everything with total integrity, says Mikael Alm.

- Charles has exposed himself quite a few times.

There he has work to do and he will have an uphill battle at first.

- At the same time, when he is king, he is still king, I think - and then he gets a certain status, of course.

But in today's society, a regent must constantly perform in front of the media, and there I think he has a handicap, says Mikael Alm.