
Elizabeth II remains under "medical supervision"

at her summer residence at Balmoral Castle, Buckingham Palace confirmed in a brief statement.

Her decision was made after a check-up carried out this Thursday that

confirmed "her concern for her state of health"

expressed this week by her medical team, which has not revealed what exactly the monarch is suffering from .

Elizabeth II personally accepted

the resignation of Boris Johnson

on Tuesday and then commissioned the formation of a government to the

new prime minister, Liz Truss


In the photos of that last meeting, the Queen seemed especially fragile leaning on her cane and holding out her right hand, in which a visible bruise could be seen.

A day later, Buckingham Palace announced the suspension of his virtual meeting with his privy council, following the doctors' recommendation to "take a break" (despite being officially on vacation and with a reduced agenda).

"The Queen is comfortably at Balmoral," read Thursday's statement from Buckingham Palace, which assured that

her immediate family "has been informed

. "


Charles and wife Camila have decided to personally travel to the Scottish castle

, as reported just after 'Clarence House'.

Elizabeth II, 96, celebrated this year the 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne.

For a year, her concern for her health status has been increasing, after her admission to the hospital for one night in October 2021 and the suspension of her official schedule for four months.

At the beginning of the year she contracted Covid, and she herself acknowledged having felt very weak and barely able to move after overcoming the disease.

The Queen recovered, however, in time for the

Platinum Jubilee celebration

, with her twice appearing from Buckingham Palace.

Since the start of the pandemic, Elizabeth II has moved her official residence to Windsor Castle, where she planned to return in early October.

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  • Boris Johnson

  • Prince Charles of England

  • Coronavirus

  • covid 19

  • Elizabeth II of England

  • United Kingdom

  • Liz Truss

  • Europe