According to the expert, Mariupol "was a stronghold of the Nazis" Azov ".

“Now that Mariupol has been taken by the troops of the DPR and Russia, and Azovstal is mothballed, at the same time providing the possibility of surrender, this causes irreparable psychological damage to the Ukrainian authorities, and the Americans are trying to convince everyone with their “authority” to rewrite not the history of the past, but rewrite reality” , - says Fedosova.

She also noted that along with the illusion that "Ukraine is 'winning', the 'armament pumping' continues."

In her opinion, if the Americans find out the truth, they would "ask their government where American money and weapons are flowing uncontrollably."

“The coverage of the situation in Ukraine and in the West has turned into a trap of lies, and only Russia’s advancement in the theater of operations will help get out of this trap,” the RT interlocutor concluded.

Earlier, Deputy Belik called the statement of the State Department about the "control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" over Mariupol an outright lie.