Ethiopia: several personalities call for a political solution

In a camp for displaced people at the Kisanet site, in Mekele, capital of Tigray, Ethiopia.

May 2021. © RFI / Sébastien Németh

Text by: RFI Follow

2 min

Nearly a hundred African intellectuals and the French-speaking and English-speaking diaspora broadcast a long appeal in which they denounce the deterioration of the situation in Ethiopia, the increase in violence against civilians and the inertia of international bodies.

For them, only a political solution will make it possible to find a way out of this long crisis.


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Ethiopia is on the precipice, we must act

 ”. Tired of not being heard, listened to while they devote their lives to working on conflicts, the intellectuals who signed this call take their responsibilities, denouncing the atrocities and their consequences: deaths, sexual violence, the exodus of refugees, known hunger as well as unmet medical needs, enforced disappearances and torture in detention. “ 

The Ethiopian people have suffered enough

 ,” they write.

They are also targeting all

armed actors in this conflict



We note with dismay that the protagonists of the conflict are no longer only the Tigray Defense Forces and the Ethiopian National Defense Forces as well as the Amhara Special Forces but also the Oromo Liberation Army on the one hand and, the other, the special forces of several other regions as well as many conscripts


The signatories of the appeal who also denounce the inaction of the African Union (AU) accused of letting Ethiopia dictate the terms of a solution, only consider one outcome, that of dialogue.

They urge the AU to bring the protagonists around the negotiating table, keep them there and find a political solution.

All these intellectuals, researchers and historians also offer to participate, to provide their analyzes, to provide concrete help in the search for solutions.


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  • Ethiopia