China News Service, Beijing, August 30 (Reporter Huang Yuqin) In response to the recent release of the so-called traceability investigation report by US intelligence agencies, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at a regular press conference on the 30th that this is an anti-scientific political report. , A dumping report, a false report.

  Wang Wenbin said that China’s Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu and National Health Commission’s Deputy Director Zeng Yixin have clarified China’s position on this through statements and interviews respectively.

The so-called traceability report issued by the U.S. intelligence agency is an anti-scientific political report; a tracing report, under the guise of traceability, to shirk responsibility for the failure of the United States’ own fight against the epidemic; a fabricated excuse to pour dirty water on China. False report.

Just like spreading the lie that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction, this report is another example of the United States misleading and deceiving the international community.

  Wang Wenbin pointed out that the United States should explain clearly, why not use scientists to trace the source?

Using intelligence agencies to trace the source, is it to find the truth or to fabricate the "truth"?

The United States should also explain clearly why it has repeatedly entangled in laboratory leak theory that has no scientific basis.

This is not political manipulation, so what is it?

The United States should also explain clearly why the United States has the most advanced medical equipment and technology in the world, but has become the country with the largest number of infections and deaths in the world?

  He further emphasized that since the outbreak, the United States has withdrawn from the WHO at a critical moment in the fight against the epidemic, banned vaccine exports when the world is in urgent need of vaccines, and hyped up the theory of laboratory leakage after China and the WHO successfully carried out the first phase of traceability research.

What the U.S. did not only led to the complete failure of the U.S.’s own fight against the pandemic and cost the U.S. people a terrible price, it also severely poisoned the atmosphere of international traceability cooperation and made traceability increasingly deviated from the right direction. The United States has become the biggest destructive factor in international anti-epidemic cooperation. The biggest obstacle to scientific traceability.

  "People cannot help asking, is the life of the American people important, or the political self-interest of politicians? Is the lives and health of the people of the world important, or the geopolitical considerations of the United States? "Wang Wenbin said.

  He pointed out that in the face of the virus, the destinies of all countries are closely related to each other. Fighting the epidemic requires persistence in science, solidarity and cooperation. China has always adhered to cooperation in anti-epidemic and scientific traceability, has always opposed the wrong actions of politicizing anti-epidemic and traceability, and has always been committed to promoting international anti-epidemic and traceability cooperation, and will work with the international community to overcome the epidemic at an early date. We urge the United States to cherish life, respect science, stop using the guise of traceability and push blame, and return to the track of cooperative anti-epidemic and scientific traceability as soon as possible. (over)