A study indicates a global trend of increasing reliance on free and temporary employment

Human Resources: 65% of current jobs disappear within 10 years

"Human Resources" published the study under the title "The Future of Human Resources: Variables and Trends."


A survey - published by the Government Human Resources Authority, in its semi-annual issue of the magazine “Human Resources Echo” - predicted the disappearance of 65% of current regular jobs within 10 years, as a result of radical changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the use of artificial intelligence systems in the labor market, confirming There is a near global trend to increase the dependence of enterprises and business bodies on non-permanent work systems, such as casual, free and temporary employment, with the aim of increasing revenues.

The study, titled “The Future of Human Resources: Variables and Trends,” began with an indication that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (which is the term used to describe the convergence between artificial intelligence, robotics technology, machine learning and smart platforms) will change the genetic makeup of the modern workforce, a change not. It will return, so that 65% of the existing jobs will disappear with it, or at least its tasks will be completed in completely new ways within 10 years, explaining that three out of every five managers of human resources, surveyed, agreed that the number of jobs that will be created The AI ​​will be less than that which will cause its demise.

The study stated that, on the other hand, the opinion poll of a large sample of corporate executives showed more optimism in this regard, as nearly 70% of those surveyed expected that artificial intelligence techniques would create more jobs than they would cancel, indicating that regardless of what might be. As it happens, all employers must prepare for what the near future will result in the labor market.

According to the study, although 87% of human resources officials give priority to efforts on how to shape the future workforce in their organizations, 56% of them agreed that preparing the workforce to deal with artificial intelligence and associated technologies represents the biggest challenge for their jobs. Prompting some organizations to replace the traditional methods used in workforce planning.

The study expects an increase in the dependence of institutions and employers on so-called "casual workers", temporary workers, and free contract workers, by a rate ranging between 6 and 10%, during the next three years. It is likely that the institutions that will depend on these types of employment will witness an increase. In revenue growth.

56% of human resources workers who participated in the study agreed that qualifying the workforce to deal with artificial intelligence technology and related technologies will represent the biggest challenge for the human resource job, while 76% of HR officials who work in pioneering institutions agreed that the resource job Mankind needs to deal effectively with the challenge of shaping the workforce of the future.

With regard to managing the impact of artificial intelligence technology and related technologies on the workforce, 66% of human resource managers agreed that priority should be given to improving the skills of the workforce in regular jobs, while 74% of them agreed on the same for the incumbents of entrepreneurial jobs.

The study concluded with the importance of institutions taking an approach that focuses on future scenarios, to determine the formation of the required workforce within five to eight years, and concluded the need to develop perceptions of how humans and machines work together within an integrated system, to drive the value of business and the highly efficient workforce, Emphasizing that the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution forces institutions to form their workforce, to include all types of employment, including "permanent and temporary, free contracting, casual workers, in addition to machines and robots."


study emphasized the importance of institutions focusing on future scenarios that determine the formation of the required workforce.

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