(Combating New Coronary Pneumonia) National Health Commission: 40 new cases were confirmed on the 8th and 4 cases were imported overseas

China News Service, Beijing, March 9th. According to data released by the National Health Committee of China on the 9th, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported on the 8th that 40 new cases were confirmed and 36 new cases were confirmed in Hubei. For example, 4 newly confirmed cases outside Hubei were imported from overseas.

The reporter combed and found that, as of the 8th, there had been no native cases in areas outside Hubei for two consecutive days, and the newly confirmed cases were imported from abroad.

According to the National Health and Medical Commission, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 40 new confirmed cases and 22 new deaths (21 in Hubei and 1 in Guangdong) from 04:00 to 8th on the 8th. , 60 new suspected cases.

On the same day, 1,535 new cases were cured and discharged, and 3802 people were removed from close contact with medical observation. The number of severe cases decreased by 153.

As of 24:00 on the 8th, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there were 19,016 confirmed cases (among which, 5111 were severe cases), a total of 58,600 discharged cases were cured, and a total of 3119 deaths were reported. There are 80,735 confirmed cases and 421 suspected cases. A total of 674,760 close contacts were tracked, and 20146 were close contacts still in medical observation.

There were 36 newly confirmed cases in Hubei (36 in Wuhan), 1422 newly cured cases (1163 in Wuhan), 21 new deaths (18 in Wuhan), and 18303 confirmed cases (16627 in Wuhan). Among them, 4991 cases were severe cases (4735 cases in Wuhan). A total of 46,433 discharged patients (30,933 in Wuhan) were cured, a total of 3,007 deaths (2,388 in Wuhan), and a total of 67,743 confirmed cases (49,948 in Wuhan). There were 28 new suspected cases (28 in Wuhan) and 277 suspected cases (253 in Wuhan).

At 04:00 on the 8th, 4 newly diagnosed imported cases were reported (4 in Gansu). As of 24:00 on the 8th, a total of 67 imported confirmed cases were reported overseas.

A total of 169 confirmed cases were reported in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: 114 cases in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (59 cases discharged, 3 deaths), 10 cases in Macau Special Administrative Region (10 cases discharged), 45 cases in Taiwan (15 cases discharged, 1 case died) ). (Finish)