More than every third dog is overweight, which means an increased risk of various diseases. A heavy overweight also shortens the dog's life by an average of two years. The overweight can have several causes, but it is often because the dog simply eats too much, and moves too little.

- It is often linked to rewarding the dog with treats instead of activating them, says Björn Åblad.

Some dogs lack the feeling of saturation

At times, genetic factors may be behind obesity and obesity in dogs. For example, some labradors may not feel any saturation.

- You notice this by being your best friend in the kitchen, no matter how bad the chef you are. They are begging all the time and want to eat everything, says Björn Åblad.

See the clinic manager and veterinarian Björn Åblad tell us more, and show how you feel about a dog if it is overweight, in the clip above.