A 35-year-old Asian woman has been tried by the Dubai Criminal Court for bribing a driver examiner at the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai.

The examiner in the investigation of the Public Prosecutor, he does not know the accused only through the incident, he was surprised by a letter from them through the application of «WhatsApp», he asked her about the source of obtaining his number and told him that he had already given it to him, Vserha to know what you want him, and then met her building On her request at a café, she told him that she was able to provide him with a monthly income of 30,000 to 50,000 dirhams in exchange for people passing a light vehicle test in complete secrecy.He refused to offer her but asked him to think again and assured him she was dealing with other examiners.

He added that he consulted his direct official, who asked him to procrastinate and know the staff you are dealing with.

After a while, he wrote again and asked him if he thought of offering them. He told her that he was insisting on his position, satisfied with his monthly salary, and then filmed the talks and sent them to his official, who referred them to the relevant section of the Authority. The woman, until she took legal procedures to record the dialogue, which will take place between them but refused to talk on the phone, and insisted on meeting him in a shopping center was provided with a recording device, and met with him and agreed with him to give him 2000 dirhams for each person who passes, and tried to act with caution Vslmt amount while walking together, He gave a The required signal was arrested.