For the most successful mountaineers, after the great peaks, the hardships of the plains await at some point.

This is the case for some in the pharmaceutical industry, who have been catapulted to unexpected heights by the corona pandemic and who are looking for good business beyond the virus when the crisis ends.

There are companies that should have fewer problems with this.

Like the vaccine manufacturer Biontech, who wrote economic history as a high-flyer and who also has promising product planning after Corona.

Or the Göttingen laboratory supplier Sartorius, which has meanwhile developed from a modest medium-sized company into an absolute darling of the Dax.

But there are also companies that are still looking for their future role.

In fact, it shouldn't be too difficult for them.

If Corona has shown one thing, it is that health is one of the megatrends in the coming decades, in an aging society more than ever.

Anyone who frolics here can basically not be wrong.

Of course, entrepreneurs and managers have a long way to go from this general knowledge to concrete implementation.

But at best a worthwhile one.