
The government has recently come up with measures for the victims of charter fraud by the so-called 'villa king' who died while owning more than 1,000 villas.

However, there are still victims who struggle to find a solution.

Reporter Ahn Sang-woo met.


Mr. A is in a position to take away 160 million won in rent due to Mr. Kim, the 'villain king' who died.

The government decided to extend the maturity of the jeonse loan, but Mr. A was not included in the beneficiaries.

The house that Mr. A rented was a case where a neighborhood living facility was renovated for residential use without permission.

[Mr. A/'Villa King' Victim of Charter Fraud: At first (in the contract), it was written as 'residence', so even in real estate, I told them not to talk about the disadvantages of neighborhood facilities and be at ease...


The situation is the same for the victims who signed a contract with the corporation that Mr. Kim created before his death.

[Mr. B/'Villa King' Victim of charter fraud: Even at HUG, they said there was nothing more they could do for me, and the bank said they couldn't extend the loan anymore, so the loan is already overdue.]

Housing as a guarantor The City Guarantee Corporation provides payment guarantees for the victims of Villawang to receive a charter loan from the bank, but this is because the possible targets are limited to houses and residential business facilities contracted with individuals.

[Mr. A/'Villa King' Victim of Charter Fraud: I entrusted the money to the landlord, but the bank signed a contract with me, so if I can't repay the money, I'm going bankrupt.

There is no way.]

Victims plan to hold a rally today (27th) together with other victims of charter fraud in front of the Sejong Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to demand additional measures.

The Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation said that 30 malicious lessors like Kim had not returned the deposit to the tenants until last month, amounting to 725 billion won.

(Video coverage: Kim Gyun-jong, video editing: Shin Se-eun)