Carole Ferry 8:11 a.m., July 12, 2022, modified at 8:16 a.m., July 12, 2022

The government has to deal with inflation and is currently preparing targeted responses to support households in the face of the very significant rise in energy prices.

For the increase in fuel, an indemnity is envisaged to take precedence over the discount at the pump.

For electricity and gas tariffs, what will happen after the tariff shield? 

The government is looking for ways to continue financing the protection of the purchasing power of the French.

The tariff shield, which protects us from excessively high gas and electricity bills, ends at the end of the year.

Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said more should be "done for those who need it", but there should also be increases for those who can afford it.

A controversial phrase.

What did the minister mean?

"Greater help"

"We are studying with the Prime Minister the possibility, from January 1, 2023, of having greater aid for those who need it most", declared Bruno Le Maire.

“There will obviously be no differentiated bills between the French, neither on gas bills nor on electricity bills. We are not going to make differentiated bills. Electricity has a price, gas has a price", insists the Minister of Finance.

“On the other hand, on the basis of this bill, we will have to look at which households are most in need of our support. We will not abandon the households which really need it”, he promises. 

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“More targeted mechanisms”

Elisabeth Borne had already addressed the issue, explaining that "we can't imagine asking the French, starting with the modest French, to pay 45% more for their gas or a third more for their electricity".

However, given the cost of the tariff shield for the State, "we must move from general mechanisms to more targeted mechanisms".