As you get older, you don't love trendy brands and turn to Chinese style

  Chinese style, representative national trend items, and satisfying young people's aesthetics are the three characteristics of the national trend brand.

As people grow older, people pay more attention to Chinese style design elements, while the attention to trendy IP shows a downward trend.

According to a survey conducted by iResearch, Generation Z who pursue shrewdness and quality of life, consumers in the sinking market who pursue pragmatism and stability, and those who are easily bought by Amway are the three groups that pay the most attention to Guochao brands.

  Shoes and clothing accessories love "Chinese style"

  Shoes, apparel, accessories and digital products related to the national tide have attracted more attention.

According to the survey data, 32.2% of the 18-24-year-olds pay attention to domestic brands that involve elements of Chinese style, and this enthusiasm continues to rise with age. This figure has reached 50.4% for people over 40 years old.

  With the rise of the national tide, international brands have begun to apply a large number of traditional Chinese elements in product design in order to develop the Chinese market, such as the zodiac limited series.

Young people and people in first- and second-tier cities are more receptive to foreign brands than other groups.

  Which Guochao products are people most concerned about?

The data shows that the clothing category ranks first with a proportion of 37.7%; shoes and clothing rank second and third.

Digital electronic products, games, beauty and skin care products, stationery, cultural and creative products, etc. are also on the TOP10 list.

Among them, men pay more attention to fashion games, furniture and home furnishing, games and other categories, while women pay more attention to beauty, clothing, and stationery products.

People under the age of 30 pay more attention to games, movies and music than the general population.

  Which "Chinese style" design elements or IP are more popular?

According to statistics, traditional crafts, classic characters, variety shows, and museum IPs are favored by consumers.

  Among them, embroidery, pleats, hang Luo and other representative crafts are used more in national fashion clothing.

Incorporating traditional craftsmanship into the design and reflecting the characteristics of the national trend through festive vocabulary and color matching is the main design direction of the existing national trend clothing.

Traditional cultural elements such as awakening lions, cranes, opera, ink landscape, Shaolin, and the Three Kingdoms are common in costume design.

  Traditional IP co-branding has become a "big hit"

  With the help of popular film and television dramas, Nezha, Sun Wukong, Hulu Brothers, etc. have become popular national tide images; IP variety shows with the theme of traditional Chinese culture, such as "National Treasure", have been popular from the front of the screen to the offline, and peripheral products are also popular; the Forbidden City , National Museum and other domestic museum IP peripheral products have always been popular.

  Major brands mainly carry out cross-border co-branding with these Chinese style elements or IPs through limited packaging.

For example, the jewelry brand has cross-border cooperation with "Nezha's Devil Child Comes into the World", and the Qiankun Circle bracelets, necklaces, rings, Ping An Fu bag pendant, mixed yuan pearl earrings, etc. break the rules and have eye-catching designs; makeup brands and "Hulu Brothers" In cooperation, the corresponding products were designed according to the different characteristics of the original force of the gourd dolls, which gained a wave of attention; "National Treasure" and the clothing brand jointly launched the brocade arm guard, inspired by the "Five Stars Out of the East" unearthed in the Niya ruins of the Han Dynasty. The main material is brocade, which adds national style highlights to the clothing; the shoes jointly launched by "The New Forbidden City" and the canvas shoe brand, the toe part draws on the golden glazed tiles of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the shoe body The decorative lines are extracted from the golden thread ribbon patterns of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the Hall of Fengxian.

  Three groups of people are most concerned about the national tide

  Which groups of people pay the most attention to Guochao products?

What are the main considerations for them to choose Guochao products?

  The survey shows that the younger group pays more attention to the "tide" and is more influenced by the star's delivery, purchase channels and marketing activities, while the older group is more concerned about the "country" and pays attention to the national style design and cost-effectiveness of products.

  The first category of Guochao's attention groups is the Z generation who pursue a smart and quality life.

They value the shopping experience, focus on new products, and at the same time want a high quality of life in a cost-effective way.

At the same time, they pay more attention to both online and offline social behaviors.

Generation Z has a high purchase rate of Guochao products, paying attention to services and recommendations of Internet celebrities and celebrities, segmented products, and environmentally friendly and agreeable spokespersons are conducive to enhancing brand favorability.

  The second group is the sinking market consumers who pursue pragmatism and stability.

Consumers in the sinking market pursue a stable and pragmatic life and pay attention to cost performance.

Brand ownership and brand image are among the top five factors to consider when purchasing Guochao products.

When making purchasing decisions, consumers in fourth- and fifth-tier cities tend to buy commonly used products and are not driven by new ones.

  The third group is the "buy, buy, buy" people who are easy to be bought by Amway.

Young women in first-tier cities have high consumption enthusiasm, especially those aged 25-29.

Form stable consumption habits in clothing, beauty, food, home appliances and other categories.

People who "buy, buy, buy" are very easy to be "Amway". People around them, recommendations on the Internet, brand events, and shopping moods will all affect purchasing decisions.

The "buy, buy, buy" crowd also pays more attention to Internet celebrities, celebrities bringing goods and "foreign" IPs.

Quick voice search, new products and various recommendations are the e-commerce functions that the "buy, buy, buy" crowd pay attention to.

  Text / Our reporter Chen Si