Sales at convenience stores nationwide last month were the same month as the previous year, as sales continued to decline in resort areas in reaction to the "Go To Campaign" that was held last year to stimulate tourism and food and beverage demand. Has fallen below for two consecutive months.

According to the Japan Franchise Association, last month's sales of convenience stores nationwide totaled 841.6 billion yen at existing stores that have been open for more than a year, down 1.7% from the same month of the previous year.

Sales have fallen below the previous year for the second straight month.

This is due to the fact that sales in the resort area, which had been picking up for a while, continued to decline due to the reaction to the "Go To Campaign" that stimulated tourism and food and beverage demand last year, and that the meal vouchers for the campaign that were being sold at stores. The main reason is that the fee income has disappeared.

The Japan Franchise Association says, "As the state of emergency is lifted and more people commute to work, there are reports that sales of stores in the office district are on a recovery trend, so we would like to keep an eye on future trends."