The controversy continues to swell between restaurateurs and insurers, who refuse to compensate establishments forced to close because of the coronavirus epidemic.

Friday, on Europe 1, Guillaume Borie, Deputy CEO of Axa France responded to critics of his group.

"No insurer can cover a pandemic on its own," he explained in particular. 


After the non-compensation for loss of income related to the first confinement, relations between traders, forced to close by the coronavirus epidemic, and their insurers, are straining again.

Insurers, including Axa, have indeed embarked on a campaign to renegotiate contracts to exclude the reason for loss linked to an epidemic.

Invited Friday from Europe 1, Guillaume Borie, Deputy CEO of Axa France, justified the attitude of his group, and highlighted the unprecedented nature of the coronavirus pandemic.

"No insurer can cover an event such as a pandemic on its own," he assures us.

"We do not know how to cover a risk which means that everyone is affected at the same time," he added. 

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