For the first time in Korea, a new coronavirus infection confirmed.

Kim Kang-rip, vice-president of the Central Accident and Welfare Headquarters, said in a regular briefing on October 10 that the World Health Organization and the Chinese government have been confirmed as a new breed of corona in Shandong, China. .

Kim said, "Three people are family members of Chinese women who were confirmed on the 31st of last month."

Currently, three people are stable.

They are family members, except for their Chinese wife, who are Korean.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to monitor their status through the Consulate General of Qingdao.

Kang Hyung-hyun, Foreign Affairs and Security Planning Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, said, "The three Koreans are now in a very stable state."

(Photo = Yonhap News)