[SBS News] Alternative Service Becomes Hell

A man in his 20s, who worked as a reserve worker in March, broke himself on the ship. In his notes, he had a hard time in the boat.

In the message left to family and friends before the end of their lives, they appealed to the suffering, saying, 'Do you want to take off yourself?'

Vessel service reserve is one of the military alternative service system. It is a system in which license holders carry out their duties in shipping and fishery companies to transport goods in the event of an emergency and replace military service.

Once a ship leaves the country, it will travel between 8 and 9 months and up to 11 months. During that period, the voyage reserve is placed at the lowest rank among the boarding personnel in the ship which is blocked from the outside.

As a result of the coverage, if you are working as a reserve worker on duty, the death rate is one in every 800 people, about 10 times the rate of general military death.

Alternative service providers are weak because of the nature of the alternative service system.

It is another threat to alternative service providers, such as the need to join the active duty if they give up, and the inability to survive in the same industry, but they are still forced to keep a close eye on the protection net.

The news story covered the actual situation of the alternative service system, which is becoming a blind spot in human rights, through the death of the late Ward Council.

(Cover: Son Hyeong-an / Image coverage: Haeng-young / Artist: Roh Young-sil / Scripter: Oh Hyun Seon)