He was sentenced to death by an administrative officer and his parents who had been arrested for allegedly infiltrating the high school.

The judge, Gwangju District Court, sentenced her to two years of imprisonment each for her husband, A (58, M) and Parent B (52, female), who were indicted on charges of obstruction of business on April 26.

Judge Ryu said, "The defendants caused a great shock, anger, and distrust to students, parents, staff, and society, and severe punishment was inevitable." "There is no evidence that they have paid the price, "It is hard to find out."

On April 20 and July 2, they are accused of interfering with the education administration in the first semester of Grade 3 of Gwangju Mothers' High School and the middle and final exams.

Mr. A, who was about two years before his retirement, received a request from Mr. B at the Parent Steering Committee meeting in April of this year.

B rearranged the test questions that had been taken and gave them to the son as if they were a problem, so he let his son solve it in advance and take the test.

(Photo: Yonhap News)