
In Incheon, yesterday (25th), a man in his 50s wielded a weapon to two people who were on the road that they did not even know. When I caught the police, I was a person who had been hospitalized for more than 10 years with chronic illness and schizophrenia.

I am a reporter.


A man wearing a white hat grabs his neck with his left hand and follows another man hard.

[Resident: I'm going after him. (Is this because he was stabbed?) Yes, he is ... ]

There is a weapon in the left hand of a running man.

[Inhabitants: Stay still. The man follows again. (After this person is stabbed, it keeps following). ]

Yesterday, at around 11:40 am, a 67-year-old Omo passed away by 58-year-old Hongmoo and a 37-year-old Kim Moe passed by.

There was not even one side with Mr. Hong all. Among the victims, Mr. Oh is reportedly in serious condition.

Police arrested Mr. Hong in his home 50 minutes after the incident.

Hong was reported to have been hospitalized for more than 10 years because of symptoms of sudden illness.

Police are planning to apply for a warrant of arrest on charges of attempting to murder with Hong in order to receive psychiatric evaluation from the prison of the princess in Chungnam.