For the upcoming indoor World Cup in athletics in Belgrade, the Swedish Athletics Federation chooses to make a demonstration against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The association has printed the Ukrainian flag in the form of a heart, which the Swedish athletes can carry during the world championships.

- You can have it rubbed or stick if you want to put somewhere if you want to show solidarity.

Then it's up to each one how to do it.

But in any case, we as a federation think that we should be involved and show solidarity with the people of Ukraine, says federation captain Kajsa Bergqvist to SVT Sport.

How has it been received by the active?

- We just presented it, there are several who have taken so it feels good.

The Indoor World Cup starts tomorrow, Friday, and neither Russian nor Belarusian athletes are allowed to participate.

- Based on what is happening in Ukraine, I think it is clear that they should not be allowed to compete here at the World Cup, says Bergqvist.