Saudi player .. the oldest in the history of world basketball

The Saudi basketball star and former team player, Mohsen Khalaf, broke a world record, after he became the world's oldest basketball player in age to participate in official matches of the game.

The Saudi Basketball Federation stated on its Twitter account that Mohsen Khalaf entered the Guinness Book of World Records, after participating in the Saudi Basketball Premier League final on May 22, 2015, at the age of 51 years and 335 days.

The federation said that Mohsen Khalaf had previously won the title of best Saudi player on six occasions, and had also won many titles and awards throughout his long career, as “he was awarded the Asian medal for his contribution to the development of the game, and he was honored by the Omani Federation as the oldest and oldest player participating in the Gulf Cup in the year 2013, and he was honored by the Arab Federation in 2014 in Rabat for the same reason. By winning the ideal player trophy in the Arab Police Championship in Riyadh.

Interestingly, Mohsen Khalaf began his career in 1979 with Uhud, and in his career he won 15 Premier League titles, in addition to many other achievements.

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