On 21 August, the governing parties the Social Democrats and the Green Party proposed that sports should receive an additional SEK 1 billion in support due to financial losses due to the corona pandemic.

It is now clear that the support will be gone after the proposal has received support from the Center Party and the Liberals, the Ministry of Culture states in a press release.

- The government was clear already a couple of weeks ago that we want this and now I am glad that we agree on this with the Center and the Liberals, says Minister of Sports Amanda Lind (MP) to Radiosporten.

Without an audience since March

The sport has been hit hard by the corona pandemic.

The restriction on the number of people at public gatherings has meant that virtually all sporting events have been closed to the public since March and many associations have been without significant income since exercise competitions and other general sports have been canceled.

The new package is the second support that sport receives.

In the spring, the government pushed for half a billion kronor, but even then the chairman of the Swedish Sports Confederation, Björn Eriksson, stated that it would not be enough.

It will now again be RF that will distribute the money.

- After the Riksdag has made a decision on it (the budget), we will present the more detailed guidelines for this billion.

The government, together with the Swedish Sports Confederation, will produce this on the basis of what lessons it has after the last half billion for sports, Lind tells Radiosporten.