An amateur rugby player died during a friendly match, after a "regular" tackle, Saturday in Saint-Gaudens, Haute-Garonne. Victim of breathing difficulties, he succumbed despite attempts to resuscitate the firefighters. An investigation was opened to clarify the causes of death.

An amateur rugby player from the Stade Saint-Gaudinois Luchonnais (SSGLXV), in Haute-Garonne, died on Saturday in a friendly match, after a "regular" tackle. An investigation has been opened to clarify the causes of death, a police source said on Sunday. "We are in mourning. We have no words, We are devastated," the club wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday, expressing "immense sadness" for the death, under a photo of the player, aged 30. years.

The firefighters could not resuscitate him

The man, who was playing a friendly match with the Gers club of Miélan for the senior reserve team of the SSGLXV, first fell after a "regular tackle in the legs", a police source told AFP. He got up but then fell back, victim of breathing difficulties, and succumbed despite attempts at resuscitation first by his team and then by the firefighters.

An investigation was opened under the authority of the prosecution to determine the exact causes of death, and an expertise was ordered, added the same police source. According to the Dispatch, the drama occurred towards the end of the match, which was attended by the victim's companion.