Grandmother Charlene Brungis, 67, proved life is just a number, when earlier this month she won the gold medal in the Canadian National Weightlifting Championship, her first ever national title.

Brungis culminated in the championship title after her success in lifting 270 pounds, which is twice her body weight, although she started practicing weightlifting just three years ago.

The strange thing is that she suffered from osteoporosis eight years ago and seems to have inherited this disease from her mother as she says to the local press, but she did not give up and recovered completely before she became addicted to training in the fitness and weightlifting hall.

Brungis Wins Gold Medal (Canadian Press)

She gradually lifted weights, starting with five pounds, until she was able to lift more than twice her weight in three game classes.

Brungis broke three local records in a squat lift (209 lbs), 270 lbs in a jerk and raised a total of 568 lbs, which is close to the national record.

She says her next goal is to represent the Canadian national team and compete in world weightlifting tournaments, where one person of the age and weight category is chosen to challenge the international championships every year.