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If you are one of those who look with pity at weightlifting players, wondering what makes them enjoy this fatigue, then perhaps you will change your mind after learning about the great benefits of these sports.

Writer Leda Denworth says in an article on the Scientific American website that she thought that weightlifting was limited to athletes seeking to improve their performance or to men who wanted to appear as a big man. Instead of lifting weights, the author walked several miles a day and practiced yoga.

But now there is increasing scientific evidence about the physical benefits of strength training that aerobic exercises - such as walking and running - alone cannot achieve.

Denworth said that federal guidelines for Americans, the World Health Organization and other institutions call for muscle-strengthening exercises two or more times a week. By exercises that strengthen muscles, they meant moderate or high-intensity weight lifting exercises that include all the muscles of the body. In addition, do moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercise for a period of between 150 and 300 minutes.

Any exercise constitutes physical stress, and exercising correctly makes the body adapt to the effort and become stronger. Resistance exercises increase the heart rate and make the lungs work more to supply the body with oxygen-saturated air. But the main benefit of muscle-strengthening exercises comes from the way the muscles are fatigued.


The writer said that pulling and pushing weights results in very small tears in the muscle tissue. These small tears are not muscle damage; Rather, these small tears give the muscles the opportunity to repair themselves and build more fibers, and will make them stronger than before.

An analysis of a group of studies was published in 2022 that showed an association between practicing muscle-strengthening exercises and a 10-17% reduction in all causes of death.

Every decade after the third decade of life, a person loses 3-8% of the muscle mass in his body. Resistance exercises give you the opportunity to combat aging by building muscle. These exercises also improve bone structure and increase their mineral density.

Improving bone and muscle health is not the only benefit of resistance exercises, as it also improves the quality of life for cancer survivors. These exercises also reduce the risk of diabetes, help control it, and reduce anxiety and depression.

Any resistance exercise will achieve the desired benefit, whether it is pulling elastic bands, push-ups, or lifting weights, as long as it puts pressure on the muscles. Experts advise people to start with light exercises so as not to harm themselves, and then gradually increase the intensity of the exercises. It is important to increase the weights or intensity of exercises over time; Completing 3 sets of lifting weights weighing 3 kilograms will be a difficult task for a beginner, but it will not give the desired benefit after you commit to exercising for a long time.

Resistance exercises include several examples, including:

  • Weight lifting.

  • Dumbbell exercise.

  • Squatting.

  • the pressure.

  • Sole push-up exercise.

Set a goal for yourself to exercise at least two sessions per week. You can do this at a higher frequency. Shorter sessions ensure that you will do this in the long term, keeping the exercises permanent and making them part of your habit, thus strengthening your muscles and making you able to carry grocery bags for a longer life.

Source: websites