After missing the playoffs last year, Zlatan's Galaxy Minnesota meets in the MLS playoffs this year. Minnesota came fourth in the Western Conference where Galaxy finished fifth. 38-year-old Ibrahimovic suggests to journalists in Los Angeles that the match against Minnesota away, with a quarter-final ticket in the pot, may be his last for the club.

- I have a contract until December 31 if I remember correctly, says Zlatan Ibrahimovic. So until then I don't think of anything else. I respect my contract and if I leave you will have less to write about. If I stay you will have something to write about. So we'll see what happens.

"Being popular is not something you can choose"

A journalist asks the Swede about his popularity.

- I'm just myself and being popular is not something you can choose. It comes naturally. You are good at what you do and either people like it or not. But they still buy your sweater. I wish I had 50 percent of sales, says Ibrahimovic and smiles.