The African Football Confederation (CAF) announced today that it has withdrawn the 2019 Nations Cup from Cameroon because of its unwillingness to organize the continental event next summer and open the door to countries wishing to advance to the tournament. This came after the meeting of the Executive Office of the Union held this morning in the Ghanaian capital Accra.

Morocco has repeatedly expressed its willingness to organize the tournament if withdrawn from Cameroon, but according to the newspaper "Today" Moroccan, another candidate entered the line, South Africa, which announced its rival to Morocco and apply for the tournament. The African Union will open tomorrow the door to countries wishing to apply for hosting officially, will be given a month to prepare files before the announcement of the country alternative to Cameroon in January. The next tournament, which will be held for the first time in the summer, with the participation of 24 teams instead of 16 as in the previous versions.