Snoring is a real problem facing a large percentage of married couples and causes many marital and family problems, and statistics indicate that a quarter of the world's population snore regularly, and men are more susceptible to it than women, as 40% of them suffer from snoring.

Women snore for about 17 minutes while sleeping, while men suffer from snoring episodes for up to about 24 minutes, and these seizures may occur several times per night, causing great discomfort to the husband or wife, and the problem is that only 59% of those who snore are aware of this, while the rest do not know about the problem at all.

Snoring occurs due to the vibration of the tissues near the airway in the back of the throat, where the muscles relax and the airway narrows during sleep, and when a person gasps and exhales, the moving air causes the vibration of the loose tissues in the throat, which leads to an abnormal sound we call snoring, according to the platform "Mayo Clinic" (

Almost all humans snore from time to time, but it may become a chronic condition that indicates a serious medical condition that requires treatment, and snoring may be annoying to your partner and lead to many problems between married couples and disturb their relationship, and have very serious negative effects on them.

Only about 59% of those who snore are aware of this and the rest do not know about the problem at all (Shutterstock).

Devastating effects

Snoring affects the physical, psychological and emotional health of couples, as sleep disturbance causes stress, anxiety and uncomfort, and married couples become less valued and respected for each other, and has long-term effects on their own relationship, as well as on love, affection and tranquility between the parties and their mutual feelings.

In a study published in 2017 that focused on the role of disturbed sleep in negative or punitive marital behavior, the researchers revealed that couples who sleep less than 7 hours a night are more likely to be hostile to each other compared to couples who sleep normally.

Another British study published in 2019 that examined the case of 18,<> people in the United Kingdom found that <>% said that snoring is the cause of regular and frequent disagreements in their relationship, and over time lack of sleep causes an increase in negative feelings between the two partners, which leads to increased tension and dissatisfaction, according to the American magazine "Newsweek".

Adequate sleep is critical to maintaining health and wellness, and lack of sleep is closely linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes.

Sleep disturbance can lead to death in some cases, so experts agree on the importance of getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a day to maintain health and activity.

In addition to the adverse health, psychological and emotional effects, sleep deprivation carries high economic costs, costing about $ 400 billion annually in the United States of America, for example, and $ 60 billion in Germany, and the direct and indirect cost of sleep disorders in Australia is equal to 1% of GDP, according to the McKinsey platform.

Nasal strips allow sufficient amounts of air to pass through the mouth and nose to the lungs (Shutterstock)

Is there a solution?

To solve the problem of snoring, the first thing to do is determine its cause, as it is usually due to a blockage in the airflow duct, and there may be other reasons for this blockage, such as throat tissue becoming heavier due to weight gain, muscle relaxation after consuming some types of drinks or medications, or a defect in the jawline or air passage.

The platform "Mareg" ( recommended some effective steps to overcome the problem of snoring that bothers couples, summarized in the following four steps:

1- Use special pillows

People snore loudly when they sleep on their backs, so the first solution to combat your husband's snoring problem is to prevent him from sleeping on his back, and encourage him to sleep on one side of him, he is unlikely to snore if he sleeps on his side, or at least he will not snore loudly as he usually does when he sleeps on his back.

Here you can use a special pillow for the body to prevent your husband from sleeping on his back, and these pillows are on the market and are comfortable and effective, and the neck pillow may also be effective for those who suffer from chronic snoring, and in this case the head must be adjusted in a way that makes the airflow corridor open when the person sleeps.

2- Nasal spray or tape

Nasal strips and sprays open airflow blockages and allow enough air to pass through the mouth and nose to the lungs, and these strips and sprays are available, affordable and truly effective for those with mild to moderate snoring.

3- Avoid sleeping pills

Consuming sleeping pills relaxes the muscles of the body, including the throat muscles, and this leads to a restriction of the nasal passage, leading to snoring.

4- Lose weight

Being overweight is one of the most important causes of snoring, so exercising or going to the gym with a special diet to lose excess weight may be a very effective way to overcome snoring.

This solution may be difficult, because it requires discipline, perseverance and will, however, it is an effective solution to eliminate the problem, if you snore and love your wife, it is her right to make some sacrifices for the continuation of affection and tranquility between you.