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The PP has won the regional elections in Aragon and its candidate, Jorge Azcón, leader of the party and former mayor of Zaragoza, may be the new president of the community if he has the seats of Vox.

The popular have gone from the 16 deputies they had to the 28 of these elections. With almost the scrutiny finished, the sum of both parties gave the absolute majority in the Cortes of Aragon, set at 34 deputies.

Both formations have benefited from the high and historic participation of this Sunday, with almost 82, while it has punished the leftist formations.

The PSOE remains, although it loses a deputy, but Javier Lambán will not be able to revalidate, for the third and last time, as announced, the presidency of the Aragonese Executive.

The socialist votes plus those of their current government partners, Podemos, CHA and PAR, are not enough and we should also add the Aragon Exists and United Left.

The president of Aragon and socialist candidate to revalidate the position, Javier Lambán.Chus MarchadorPSOE

Vox is the party that rises the most, more than doubling its parliamentary representation, and with seven seats it is placed as the third force in the Aragonese Parliament. It has had a new candidate, the young lawyer Alejandro Nolasco who has also been elected councilor in the City Council of Teruel.

On the contrary, Ciudadanos loses the 12 seats it had and remains outside the Cortes de Aragón. A good part of their votes have gone to the PP and some to Vox.

The Aragon Party (PAR) has suffered the punishment of the electorate for its internal conflicts, which led to the split, and has achieved the worst results since it was founded in 1978 by Hipólito Gómez de las Roces. This party has governed alone and in coalition with both the PP and the PSOE.

Aragón Existe, regional brand of Teruel Existe, enters the Cortes de Aragón for the first time, but not as strongly as expected. Its leader and spokesman for Emptied Spain, Tomás Guitarte, already announced during the campaign that Aragon Exists will not be in a government that needs the support of Vox.

The PP has won the mayoralty of the three provincial capitals, in Teruel Emma Buj remains with an absolute majority and, as a novelty, Teruel exists for the first time with five rabbits; in Huesca it is snatched from the PSOE and the new mayor will be the popular Lorena Orduna.

In Zaragoza the mayor will be Natlia Chueca (1974), married and mother of three children, graduated in Business Administration and Management. He replaces Jorge Azcón in whose mandate he has been responsible for Public Services and Mobility in what was his first foray into politics after his election in 2019.

In the Aragonese capital, the popular have improved the results, as they go from eight to 15 councilors, touching the majority, but they will have to rely on Vox, which goes from two to four councilors, when disappearing Citizens with whom he governed until now in coalition.

In Aragon, a long million Aragonese were called to vote, of which 32,000 did so by mail, and a record participation was registered with 82%, 15% more than in 2019.

The day passed without notable serious incidents and was marked by storms and strong heat with up to 30 degrees in the city of Zaragoza.

It has been a campaign without many shocks and some moments of anger especially with confrontations between Lambán and Azcón with accusations of "lying" and promoting transfuguismo by "stealing" candidates in the ranks of Ciudadanos and the PAR.

Among other issues, in addition to the national component, such as the Bildu lists, there has been talk of the union of the ski resorts of the Pyrenees through the Canal Roya valley; the allocation of renewable energies; the battery factory of Tata Motors, to which Aragon aspired and which finally seems to be installed on English soil; the new football field of La Romareda or the transfer of the Ebro that slipped at the last minute among the topics of debate.

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