Marta Belver La Coruña

La Coruna

Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-01:57

  • Politics The PSOE fears the judicial brake on the amnesty: "It is impossible to get out of this quagmire alive"

  • Parliament The lawyer who wanted to purge Armengol endorses the Congress report against the amnesty: "It is a blank check of the amnestiable facts"

Pedro Sánchez

called all the territorial leaders of the PSOE to an informal snack on Saturday night in La Coruña.

In a relaxed atmosphere, they shared "some reflections" on how to "reassemble the party" for this new legislature, but also "a lot of laughter" brought about, above all, by the sense of humor of their candidate for the Presidency of the Xunta de Galicia,

José Ramón Gómez Besteiro

, according to several of the attendees.

"Now we are a group," summarizes one of the members of the Federal Committee that met yesterday to approve a dozen changes in its Federal Executive and a new ideology in which the amnesty for those accused of the process has been


into its ideological pillars. with the seal that it is a “fully constitutional” measure, despite the report issued by the lawyers of the Congressional Justice Commission to the contrary.

The general internal feeling is that the controversy that aroused the erasure of the crimes of the leaders of the independence referendum in Catalonia "is overcome in the street", although they are also aware of the possible judicial brake on the law that will give coverage a once it is approved.

The absence of critical voices that could gain prominence in the conclave of the socialists held this weekend in La Coruña was guaranteed in advance, since the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-


, on an official trip, had excused his presence.

in China, and the general secretary of the party in Aragon,

Javier Lambán


They are the only two active leaders who have aired their categorical opposition to the concessions to the independence movement as a toll for the re-establishment of the coalition at the head of La Moncloa, although the discomfort generated in this regard has been latent in other territories.

"On the issue of amnesty, once the militancy has spoken, there is no longer a debate," the Asturian baron,

Adrián Barbón

, wanted to settle yesterday , in reference to the internal consultation that was made to the members about the investiture pacts, which They obtained the support of 87% of the participants.

In a federation that has not been inclined to these agreements either, they choose, in turn, to now focus on "things about eating", one of the recurring expressions lately among the members of Ferraz's management: "The important thing "It is that we are governing to improve people's lives, even if there are things that we do not like."

Consolidate "co-governance"

Neither behind closed doors at the Federal Committee meeting nor during his speech to close the PSOE Political Convention did Sánchez refer to the amnesty.

Nor to the new country model that includes the "fine-tuning" of the party's ideological base, which has been endorsed this weekend: the federal proposal has now been replaced by a system in which "co-governance" is "consolidated." » with the autonomous communities and the role of the State is reduced to «coordination» in certain matters.

"Spain unites with rights, with coexistence, with respect, being aware that this country can only be governed if we assume political plurality and territorial diversity around a common project, which is Spain," the president of the central Executive, before an audience of 1,700 people, including fright due to the epileptic attack that one of the attendees suffered during the speech.

"Our policy has consisted of reducing spaces for the territorial confrontation inherited from the previous Administration [of the PP] and expanding the space for territorial cohesion," added the also general secretary of the socialists.

Having overcome the internal


caused by the acceptance of the amnesty, which until the eve of the elections Sánchez himself publicly said had no place in the Constitution, the main internal concern now is the relationship with Junts and the "protagonism" that It has been given to its leader,

Carles Puigdemont


"Ideologically it can bring us many problems, let's not forget that it is an extreme right-wing party," warns the head of a group.

PSC sources, on the other hand, consider that the "mistakes" of the pro-independence party, such as the "blunder" of proposing fines for companies that do not return to Catalonia after fleeing 1-O, weaken it.

They also believe that having put the issue of immigration powers to expel foreign citizens in an irregular situation who have committed crimes repeatedly benefits other organizations that promote xenophobic theses.


In the organic issues of the party, for this new stage Sánchez has avoided any loopholes for criticism by reinforcing with more like-minded people the PSOE Executive, already tailored to his needs.

In fact, the symbiosis between La Moncloa and Ferraz is going to be noticeably greater from now on with the incorporation of five new ministers into the leadership, adding to the five who were already there, in addition to

Paco Salazar

, deputy director of the Cabinet of Ministers. Presidency of the Government.

"It seems like a mistake to me," says a person with organic responsibility, who maintains that in this way "the counterweight that the party should have against the Government is lost."

The traditional territorial and family balances have also disappeared, since the federation of Castilla y León has increased its presence to five representatives, including the new spokesperson,

Esther Peña

, although four of them from Valladolid, while Aragón has lost weight.

«Now there is a very good atmosphere, of excitement, of hope...»;

"this has been a shot of optimism";

"It has been a long time since the party was so well-oiled"... With phrases along these lines, some of the attendees summarized a meeting in which a new trend has even been coined: "Practice affective socialism."