The association Verdandi, which during the Christmas and New Year holidays arranges "An alternative weekend" in 14 locations in the country, started locally with its "Christmas in community" in Kumla in the early 2000s.

At most over the years, we have had visits from 150 guests.

- We have had approximately 70 visitors so far, but we are open for one more hour, says Carl-Gustav Thunström, who is active in the association and has helped with all the preparations.

He has been involved since the beginning and has been making Christmas noise behind the scenes together with the initiator and current chairman Lennart Eriksson.

An annual tradition that was maintained even when physical meetings were not possible.

- During the worst of the pandemic, you had to pick up a Christmas sandwich, he says.

For the lonely

At a rich buffet table, with Christmas food of all kinds donated by a local grocery store, a steady stream of people walks and goes about their business. Over the years, it has varied which people show up.

But the tradition is popular and Lennart's own goal with it all is to combat loneliness.

- I myself have never had any problems with it, but I have understood that there are many people who do not feel very well at Christmas, he says.

Verdandi arranges what they call "An alternative weekend" in fourteen municipalities in the country during Christmas and New Year.

Hear what it was that made Lennart Eriksson start the Christmas tradition in Kumla by watching the video clip.