Pierre de Vilno SEASON 2022 - 202320h19, October 30, 2022

Find the entire "Europe Soir Weekend" with Pierre de Vilno and his guests, on Europe 1.


Prisca Thévenot

, MP for Hauts-de-Seine and spokesperson for Renaissance

Jean-Christophe Cambadélis

, ex-First Secretary of the Socialist Party, author of Yesterday, today and tomorrow: A political life in the novel of the left (VA Press, February 2022)

Frédéric Dabi

, Managing Director Opinion of Ifop

Jonas Haddad

, lawyer, president of the Concorde foundation

Justin Vaïsse

, Founder and Managing Director of the Paris Peace Forum

Philippe Herlin

, economist specializing in monetary issues, author of L'or.

An investment for the future (Eyrolles, 2012),

Philippe Crevel

, economist specializing in macroeconomic issues, director of the Cercle de l'Epargne and Laurent Schwartz, founding president of the Comptoir National de l'Or