Some things only become really interesting when they are inaccessible.

A paper about the alleged failure of a constitutional protection authority that is only classified as "secret" for 120 years, later for 30 - that invites the creation of myths.

The report, which has become known as the "NSU Files", was written by employees of the Hessian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (LfV) from 2012 and assesses the role of the authority in connection with the series of murders by the "National Socialist Underground" (NSU) between 2000 and 2007.

Timo Steppat

Editor in Politics.

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On Friday evening, the comedy show "ZDF Magazin Royale" by moderator Jan Böhmermann, together with the "Frag den Staat" platform, published a 173-page PDF on the Internet, which is referred to as the "NSU files".

Politicians familiar with the original files told the FAZ that the papers appear to be genuine.